From the time we received our call until the time we left home we had two weeks and two days. It was an intense time for us. We had many tasks to complete such as: paperwork for our mission, clothes to purchase, a home to prepare, packing, goodbyes, etc. We made lists and more lists. It seemed like the more items we checked off, the more we added. However, we were blessed with the help from good friends and wonderful family members, and we made it! We are required to bring a car on our mission, so we packed the PT Cruiser with 18 months worth of belongings and headed to Utah.
Mostly we had good weather on the two day trip. When we arrived in Utah we visited both sets of our parents, some of our siblings, and our daughter Telaina and her family. As the time drew close to enter the MTC (Missionary Training Center) we were both somewhat apprehensive. To be honest it is difficult to go on a mission. It is hard to leave friends and family, especially when two new grandchildren are soon to be born. It is hard to go to new places and do new things, unsure that one can succeed. However, we know that we are doing the right thing. We know our families will be blessed for our service and we love Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. We feel blessed to be able to serve in this way.
Anyway, we experienced the “tender mercies of the Lord” just the day before entering the MTC. It was Sunday, January 17. I loved Elder Bednar's talk a few years ago about "tender mercies of the Lord" and since then I have tried to be more aware of them. Well, we were going to go to church at 11:00 with Steven's mother, but she wasn't feeling well, so we went to an 11:00 meeting at the Mutton Hollow Building, near where we were staying with his sister Judy and her husband, Drew.
Mostly we had good weather on the two day trip. When we arrived in Utah we visited both sets of our parents, some of our siblings, and our daughter Telaina and her family. As the time drew close to enter the MTC (Missionary Training Center) we were both somewhat apprehensive. To be honest it is difficult to go on a mission. It is hard to leave friends and family, especially when two new grandchildren are soon to be born. It is hard to go to new places and do new things, unsure that one can succeed. However, we know that we are doing the right thing. We know our families will be blessed for our service and we love Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. We feel blessed to be able to serve in this way.
Anyway, we experienced the “tender mercies of the Lord” just the day before entering the MTC. It was Sunday, January 17. I loved Elder Bednar's talk a few years ago about "tender mercies of the Lord" and since then I have tried to be more aware of them. Well, we were going to go to church at 11:00 with Steven's mother, but she wasn't feeling well, so we went to an 11:00 meeting at the Mutton Hollow Building, near where we were staying with his sister Judy and her husband, Drew.
The wonderful thing was a returned senior missionary couple spoke. When introducing them, the counselor in the bishopric said that his parents were on a mission and it had been such a blessing to his family. He encouraged other seniors to go on missions. The Spirit was so strong while the couple spoke, it was comforting to us as we were somewhat apprehensive about entering the MTC the next day. At the end they said that they finished their mission in August and then in October went to Palmyra for a visit. They talked about how wonder it was. Now some may say that is a coincidence, but I testify that it was the "tender mercies of the Lord," sending us comfort.

Wow, that little car can really hold a lot of stuff! I'm glad you have had a safe trip so far and that you got to stop and see all of your family on the way. It's so fun to read your blog and stay current with what's happening with you.