One of the greatest parts of our mission here in Palmyra is all of the wonderful people we get to meet from all over the world: Brazil, China, Japan, Holland, Belgium, Canada, France, England, Australia, and more. But the most fun is when we meet people that know people we know. Here are some of our friends of friends or old acquaintances:
Elder and Sister Whipple are new site missionaries here. They lived in Michele's ward when she was in high school in Las Vegas, Nevada!
Glenn Fegan from Pennsylvania. He came in the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center to tell us "Hi" for the Jasters - his friends and now ours that we met at the MTC and are now serving a mission in Nauvoo, Illinois. 
Jackie Perazzo from Fallon, Nevada. Her son Brandon is married to Calisata (formerly Howes.) She is a daughter of our friends in Sandy, Oregon.
Elder and Sister Shepherd, our neighbors and fellow site missionaries. Their daughter matched up our son-in-law's brother with his wife ( the two women were roommates).
Elder and Sister Shepherd, our neighbors and fellow site missionaries. Their daughter matched up our son-in-law's brother with his wife ( the two women were roommates).
Henrico stopped by when we were working at the Hill Cumorah Visitors' Center. He lives in Canada and was baptized by Kuhn Marshall's brother.
Kevin and Janice Casper from California are good friends with Kevin and Nancy Jones, our friends in Oregon.
Vicki and Bruce Tolman from Idaho. Vicki is the niece of Keith Hansen and the cousin of all of our Hansen friends in Oregon.
Mindi Martin is Michele's niece from Arizona working on her doctorate degree at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Elder and Sister Rasmussen serving a mission in the Uttica, New York Mission. They came to Palmyra with a Youth Temple Trip. We originally became friends with them at the MTC in January.
Jerry and Gail Schneider from Rochester, New York. They are in our ward where we go to church each Sunday in Greece, the Rochester 2nd Ward. Gail is the sister of Brad and James and President Anderson, our friends in Oregon.
John and Jacque Hayes from Phoenix, Arizona know our Oregon friends James and Quilla Buhler and Crismon and Vivian Lewis.
Gary Hannig, Michele's mother's cousin from Provo, Utah that she hasn't seen for over 35 years.
Andy Beck and his wife and 4 children from Corning, New York, our son Slade's friend from high school.
It seems like we constantly run into an old friend or relative or someone that knows the same people we do . . .hence, "It's a small world after all!" Love, Elder and Sister Watts
My son, Joseph Jackson, told me about your website, after he spoke with you in Palmyra at the Grandin Building. Don and Vera Watts served a mission in Tennessee in the 70's, and they lived on my parent's farm in one of his trailers during their mission. My family are was I! I had met a Mormon G.I. while at college, and become interested in the church. The Watts talked to me about going to BYU, and sent me a catalog. I eventually joined the church, went to BYU, and actually stayed with the Watts until I could find housing. Vera helped me get a job at the BYU press somehow , through her sister Julia Cherrington. Sister Watts gave me a wedding shower, and Brother Watts was witness at my wedding. We remained friends till their death, aided by the fact that my inlaw's bought a home right down the street from them. They are very important to me. My son told me Don and Vera are your Aunt and Uncle, so you know how special and fun they were...and are!
ReplyDeleteI saw that y'll know Jackie Perazzo in Fallan and have lost touch I would love if you could get a hold of me I will give you all my info to give to Jackie she knows me as Amanda Sliger I go by Mandi Sliger on face book I hope this goes through this time